yeah, o.k., whatever dude.
yeah, o.k., whatever dude.
HA HA LOL That is the funniest thing I've seen all week!!! ROFLMAO LOL!!!!! but seriously you are a sick individual!!! But for once in a good way!!!!!
Why does most of these flash end up to become a fucking matrix!!??
um they actually don't. if you wanna act lkie that then join the army and ask "WHY IS THIS LIEK TEH MATROX!?" you'll probably get the same response as me..."fuck off you twerp" now just because something has guns, bullet time and action music, DOESN'T MEAN IT'S THE MATRIX! it could be madness interactive or max payne or dead to rights. it would be more like the matrix if he was running up a log and shooting at the fish then cartweeling off. why you gave this complete 0's i'll never know, considering that the graphics were actually there and so was the sound.
when you can learn to write a constructive review that states a point and says everything you liked/disliked about it then i'll take you seriously regardless of score, untill then, fuck off and eat glass.
................... no, no, no!!!!!!
You can not tell me, (Lord almight), that this gothic nightmare have a meaning. Here's my suggustion go to a book store, pick up a little book call the Holy Bible, and for the good of your soul, read it until you fall asleep. Then make a flash that has a moral. GOOD LORD!!!!!!
LOL this is mildly funny
This is the crap I can take , good work.
God damn this.
I hate friends as much as this damn flash!!!!
This flash is pretty funny, I like it.
Yeah, real fucking funny.
I thought I have something serious in front of me, but you have to miss it all up. Damn you.
floating world
Age 39, Male
Joined on 1/1/05