Cery amusing, all that special martal arts trianning for an average cat fight. No, really, I like it.
Cery amusing, all that special martal arts trianning for an average cat fight. No, really, I like it.
just great
Another crappy-ass stick man movie. Damn I'm bored
This is very good
Nice way to make your movies interesting, and it seem that you submit quickly too. Good work!
Yeah it took me about 7 hours today, Man do I have a LIFE!
??????? and what happen?
he met up with his other little robot rejected friends, there are dozens of ways to describe the moral behind this short cartoon. what is yours?
And I Think you couldn't make it any funnier.
I laugh through out the whole movie, Good job!!!!
okay, glad you liked it ^^
This is very awesome.
Do you know how much people you can touch with this movie? This is one of the best I've seen yet!!!!!
I like this flash alot. Lucky for you that I never played that game before.
I hope you see episode 2 then.
This depress me
You have ti make a movie about a man being drunk over for the lost of his brother. This not good, no man, that's fucked up.
floating world
Age 39, Male
Joined on 1/1/05